31 January 2013

31 January, S1 - 11/M3*

Title: Average of Grouped Data / Moving Average
Learning Objectives 
Grade D
To be able to demonstrate the method for finding the mean from a frequency table of discrete data.
What are the advantages of finding the mean from a table?

Grade C

To be able to demonstrate the method for finding an estimate of the mean from a grouped frequency table of continuous data  

Why can we not find the exact answer?
Grade B
To be able to investigate a trend using a moving average to predict future values.
How do we decide which types of moving average to use ie. 2-point, 3-points?
Grade A

To be able to calculate estimates of future values using moving averages graphs.

What are we looking for in a graph which allows us to predict future values?


Highlight the Deciles

Grade E

Grade D
Averages from tables

Grade C

Grade B
Introduce Moving Averages


Title: Circle Rules (Area and Perimeter)
Room 28
Learning Objectives 

Grade E
To be able to investigate the relationship between circumference length and radius.
How can you remember Pi to 5 decimal places?
Grade D
To be able to recall and use formula for calculating the area and circumference of a circle.
How can you remember these two formula and the differences between them?
Grade B
To be able to explain how to calculate the length of an arc & the area of a sector.
How can we find the area of 80o of a circle with radius 10cm?


Grade D

Ten Ticks - 6, 5, 33-34 (circumference)

Grade B
