31 January 2013

31 January, S3 - 7/F*

Title: Angles
Room 28
Learning Objectives 
Level 4
To investigate and then remember that the angles in a triangle add to 180o.
How do we know that the angles in an equilateral triangle will always be 60o?

Level 5
To investigate and then remember that the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral is 360o.
Three angles are 110, 90 and 80 - what is the missing angle?

To be able to define and then calculate the exterior angle of a triangle and quadrilateral.
Can you prove that the external angle of a triangle is equal to the two
opposite sides?

Level 4
Introduction to triangles.
CIMT Interactive: Finding Angles in Triangles

Level 5
Investigate quadrilaterals.


Learning Objective for next lesson: