18 November 2013

18 November, S3 - Year 7A*

Book Review

Exercise 1
Fully explain how to find the answers to:

Exercise 2
Percentage change
Fully explain how to find the answers to:
a) 20% more then £34
b) 12% less then £55
c) 36% more then £88
d) 7% less then £90

Exercise 3
Fully explain how to find the answers to:
a) Find 41% of 35kg
b) Find 12% of 45kg
c) Find 5% of 45kg
d) Find 123% of 45kg

Exercise 4
Fully explain how to find the answers to:

Round each of these numbers to 2DP:
a) 0.23455
b) 0.4566
c) 0.0367
d) 12.297

Round each of these numbers to 2SF:
a) 0.23455
b) 1.4566
c) 0.003067
d) 12345

Entry Point

Below are the topics that are coming up this Quarter. Write down the titles below and note down anything you know about them. 

Link these to the Big Idea: Formal arrangements and relationships (structures) underpin or give organisation to complex issues. 


Title: Entry Point
Challenge Question
Is there a way of telling whether a shape will tessellate?

Learning Targets
Will be able tessellate simple shapes. 

Will be able to investigate which shapes can tessellate and which cannot (and why not). 

To justify which shapes can tessellate and how many different tessellation are possible. 

Regular tessellations use identical regular polygons to fill the plane. The vertices of each polygon must coincide with the vertices of other polygons.

This is an example of a regular tessellation - how many others can you find?

Can you convince yourself that there are no more?

Semi-regular tessellations (or Archimedean tessellations) have two properties:
  • They are formed by two or more types of regular polygon, each with the same side length
  • Each vertex has the same pattern of polygons around it.
Here are two examples:

 two semiregular tessellations

In the first, triangle, triangle, triangle, square, square {3, 3, 3, 4, 4} meet at each point.
In the second, triangle, hexagon, triangle, hexagon {3, 6, 3, 6} meet at each point.

Can you find all the semi-regular tessellations?
Can you show that you have found them all?

Printable worksheets with simple regular shapes are available here - 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12

Taken from: http://nrich.maths.org/4832 (also see interactive examples)

Book Review


Complete all of the questions in your book.