28 February 2013

28 February, S1 - 11/M3*


Title: Questionnaires and Sampling
Learning Objectives
Grade D
To be able to design questionnaires and surveys which allow us to answer a question.
Can you list the mistakes people commonly make when wording questionnaires? Why might they word questionnaire in this way on purpose?

Grade C
To demonstrate how to use and why we use simple sample methods.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using sampling?

Grade B
To be able to demonstrate the use of stratified sampling.
We use a stratified sample to survey boys and girls in a school. We survey 24 boys and 36 girls, there are 1200 students in the school, how many are boys?

Grade D

Grade C
Watch these two videos. Which is the most reliable survey? Can either survey be trusted? 

Grade B

MyMaths & Video Revsion


Title: Solving Linear Equations / Solving Linear Inequalities

Learning Objectives 
Grade B

To be able to explain a method for solving two simultaneous linear equations.
What is the first thing you are looking to do when solving simultaneous equations?

To be able to solve linear inequalities.
When can you not treat these like equations?


Grade B


MyMaths Revision