13 December 2012

13 December, S3 - 7/F*

Title: Units and Measurement
Room 28
Learning Objectives
Level 4
To be able to explain how to convert from one metric unit to another.
Why are there different units of measurements for the same thing eg.
cm, m, km...?

Level 5
To be able to use conversion factors for converting one unit into another including approximate conversions from imperial units to metric units.
What are the common conversion that we need to know?

To be able to solve real life problems involving measurements.
How do you know which is the most appropriate unit to use?

Level 4
Ten Tick 4, 3, 31 ask the class the first measure the lengths

Introduce the “metric sorting exercise” asking students to cut and sort into four piles (length, area, volume and weight)

Now introduce the idea of converting between units (eg. 100cm = 1m)
Ten Ticks - 5, 3, 29
CIMT Interactive (Y8) 17.1-17.2

Use whiteboards to check understanding of units

Level 5
Run though some basic conversions - metres - feet etc
Ten Ticks - 5, 3, 37
CIMT Interactive (Y8) 17.4-17.5

Write a route plan explaining how you get home.