12 December 2012

12 December, S3 - 9/M7*

Book Review
Exercise 1
Find the answer to the following using BIDMAS
a) 3 x 4 + 2
b) 5 + 2 x 3
c) (3 x 4) + 2
d) (5 + 2) x 3

Exercise 2
Can you write down the first 10 triangle number and explain how to find any triangle numbers. 

Exercise 3
Draw a bar chart of the hair colours in our classroom.

Exercise 4
Find the factors of the following numbers:
12, 20, 24, 25, 30, 100

Exercise 5
Find the first 10 primes numbers.


Title: Index Laws
Room: 28
Learning Objectives 
Grade E
To be able to calculate simple powers of whole numbers.
How do we find the cube of a number? What do we mean by square-root?
Grade D
To be able to demonstrate how to calculate with numbers written in index form.
What is 36 in ordinary form?
Grade C
To be able to demonstrate how to multiply and divide with numbers written in index form.
Why is 32 x 34 = 36 ?


Grade E

Grade D

Grade C

A poster explaining the rules of indices (powers)

Learning Objective for next lesson:

To make a list of topics where you have made progress this term.
In what areas could you make more progress?