12 December 2012

12 December, S3 - 7/M3*

Title: Area & Surface Area
Learning Objectives
Level 5
To be able to recall and use the formula A = ½ bh to find the area of a triangle.
How many different triangles can you draw with a base length of 5cm and height of 6cm? What can you say about their areas?

To be able to calculate the volume or surface area of a cuboid.
How do you find the volume of a cuboid with dimensions 12cm x 3cm x 4cm?

Level 6
To be able to explain how to calculate the area of a trapezium & parallelogram.
Can you explain why these rules work?

Level 5

Introduce students to the idea of finding the area of a triangle.

Level 6
Area of Parallelograms


Learning Objective for next lesson: