07 October 2014

7 October, S1/2 - Year 10*

Driving Question: What are we trying to show and what methods can we use to do this?

Target Question: When can we find the exact answer and when can we only find an estimate?

Success Criteria
To be able to use measures of averages to investigate problems.
To be able to demonstrate the method for finding the mean from a frequency table of discrete data.
To be able to demonstrate the method for finding an estimate of the mean from a grouped frequency table of continuous data.



Read through the notes at the start of this worksheet and then complete the questions. 

B2 (confirm)
Test your understanding by completing 1 or 2 exam questions (example answers at the end).
Calculating Averages of Small Data Sets (print 1)

B3 +
What can you say about the means of the following two sets of numbers?
  • Set 1 -             12        14        17        21
  • Set 2 -             12        14        17        21        0
A: They have the same mean
B: They have different means
C: It depends on whether you count the zero


Complete this online worksheets after reading the notes. 
CIMT - Averages from Tables

Read through the notes at the start of this worksheet and then complete the questions. 

D3 (confirm)
Test your understanding by completing 1 or 2 exam questions (example answers at the end).
Calculating Averages from Frequency Tables (print 1)


Further questions can be found here. 
Averages from Tables (from Ten Ticks 7-8, 6, page 33-34)*

Read through the notes at the start of this worksheet and then complete the questions. 

M3 (confirm)
Test your understanding by completing 1 or 2 exam questions (example answers at the end).
Calculate averages for grouped data (print 1)

1) Watch this video - Scatter Graphs
2) Answer questions 1 (only) on square paper - Lines of Best Fit
3) Upload your work to Showbie