15 September 2014

15 September, S1 - Year 11W*

Title: Rounding & Estimation
Driving Question
Why do we bother with BIDMAS?

Learning Targets
To be able to explain a method for rounding decimal numbers to a specific number of places.

To be able to explain a method for rounding numbers to a specific number of significant figures.

To be able to demonstrate how to estimate the values of calculations involving positive numbers greater than one.



Rounding (from Ten Ticks 4, 3, page 7-8)*

Tarsia - Rounding to nearest 10, 100, 1000

We will start by looking at rounding numbers the nearest 1, 10, 100 or 1000. If you need some help take a look at this video: Rounding

We now move on to looking at rounding numbers to a set number of decimal places. If you need some help take a look at this video: Decimals Points and Significant Figures (first half).

Rounding – Decimal Place and Significant Figures (from Ten Tick 6, 3, page 19)* (top of page)

Stick on Maths
NNS 2 - Rounding Decimals and Ordering Negatives

We now move on to looking at rounding numbers to a set number of significant figures. If you need some help take a look at this video: Decimals Points and Significant Figures (second half).

Finally we look at estimating calculations. If you need some help take a look at this video: Estimation, Rounding and Estimation

CIMT: 4.6 Estimating

Watch this video before next lesson.

In your planner note down the five key points you have learnt.