27 March 2014

27 March, S2 - Year 11*

Title: Vectors

Challenge Question
How can you prove two lines are parallel using vectors?

Learning Targets 
To be able to use vector notation to move between two points.
To be able to demonstrate how to describe the gap between any two points in terms of two or more vectors. 
To explain how to solve puzzles and prove facts using vectors. 



Assess your understanding using this sorting exercise. 
Vector Sorting Activity (print)


Check you understanding
We are going to start by looking at using vector algebra to describe a movement from one point to another. 
For example, in the questions below moving from A to B or C to D using the vectors p and q. 

Note: A to B = p however if we go back the other way B to A = -p.

Challenge Yourself
Vectors between simple points (open in Keynote)


Check you understanding
We are now moving onto examples, where we are now dealing with just whole number vectors.
For example, in the questions below A to D = q however if you were to only move from A to a point half way along the line to D this would be the vector 0.5q.


Check you understanding
Finally we are going to ask you to use your skills in using vectors to test (and there prove) some facts.

For example, you may be asked to check that two lines are parallel, one vector should be a multiple of the other. 
Example 1: below O to R = 2r and P to Q = 2r these are clearly parallel as they are represented by the same vector.

Example 2: if one line is represented by 2a + 4b and a second by a + 2b we can see that the first vector is double the second. They are therefore parallel. 

Challenge Yourself
MangaHigh - Parallel Vectors

Exam Questions
Now test your understanding using exam questions. 
