26 September 2013

26 September, S2 - Year 11*

GCSE Higher

Topics: Graphs

Learning Targets

Title: Cumulative Frequency, Box Plots & Histograms

Learning Targets
To be able to explain how to draw a cumulative frequency diagram and use it to demonstrate finding the median and quartiles.
What is the most common mistake when reading the median from a cumulative frequency diagram?

To be able to demonstrate drawing and interpret box plots.
What does each line mean?

To be able to demonstrate a method for drawing histograms from frequency tables.
In how many ways is a histogram different to a bar chart?

To be able to calculate the median, quartiles and interquartile range from a histogram.
What does drawing a histogram show us?



CIMT Interactive: Cumulative Frequency


CIMT Interactive: Box and Whisker Plots


Read the introduction on the MEP sheet below and then start working through the questions (skip as appropriate). Once you are happy with how to use Histograms have a look at the exam questions below. 

Introduce the idea of drawing histograms

Now introduce the idea of using a histogram to work backward to complete the table.


Extra Help

First five pages of the workbook

Further & Additional 

Algebra 1 - review
Learning Targets
To review the algebra topics covered in GCSE maths. 
Which topics do you need to revise?

Work through chapter 1 of the Addition Maths book. 

Summary of the topics covered today