Pythagoras' Theorem
Title: Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Learning Objectives
Grade C
To be able to demonstrate solving problems in 2D using Pythagoras’ theorem.
How do you know which side is the hypotenuses?
Grade B
To be able to solve problems in 3D using Pythagoras’ theorem.
Why is it often best to write the first answer as a surd?
Grade A
To be able to investigate real life problems using Pythagoras’ Theorem.
How do you know when you can use Pythagoras' Theorem?
Grade C
Introduce students to finding the length of the hypotenuse.
Lead on to asking student to find the length of one of the shorter sides.
3.1 CIMT - Pythagoras' Theorem
3.2 CIMT - Finding the Hypotenuse
3.2 CIMT - Finding the Hypotenuse
Grade B
Grade A
Pythagoras Extension
Title: Using Trigonometry
Learning Objectives
Grade B: Understand how to use Trigonometry with to solve problems with right-angled triangles.
What does SOHCAHTOA stand for and how are you going to remember it?
Grade A: Know how to use Trigonometry in 3D.
How do you find the angle between a line and the plane.
Grade A: To to able to use the Sine and Cosine Rules to find the missing side or angle in any triangle.
What information do we need for the Sine and Cosine Rules to work?
Grade A*: Use Trigonometry to find the area of a triangle.
What information do you need to know to find the angle of a triangle?
Using SOHCAHTOA - Ten Ticks 7-8, 5 pages 33-34 & MEP 4.5 pages 16-17
Grade A
Use Trigonometry in the real world - Ten Ticks 7-8, 5 pages 35-37 & MEP 4.5 pages 17-26
Introduce the Sine Rule (noting it can be turned around).
Ten Ticks - 9-10, 2, page 7
Move on to the Cosine Rule (different ways around).
Ten Ticks - 9-10, 2, page 8
Move to a mix of questions.
Grade A*
Further real life examples and proofs.
MEP 4 pages 27-34