Learning Objectives
Level 5
To be able to demonstrate how to plot a scatter graph and explain what this can show us.
What do you need to remember when plotting coordinates?
Level 6
To be able to demonstrate when and how to draw a line of best fit on a scatter diagram.
Why is it not always appropriate to draw a line of best fit?
Activity 1
Plot each set of data using the Number app. Sketch the general shape the points form.
What affects Ice Cream Sales
Activity 2
Drawing and using the Line of Best Fit.
Lines of Best Fit
Activity 3
What can you find out about these cars.
Top Trumps - Scatter Graphs - Cars
Activity 4
Drawing your own Scatter Graph:
Taxi Drivers
To be able to demonstrate how to plot a scatter graph and explain what this can show us.
What do you need to remember when plotting coordinates?
Level 6
To be able to demonstrate when and how to draw a line of best fit on a scatter diagram.
Why is it not always appropriate to draw a line of best fit?
Level 7
Able to interpret a line of best fit and recognise the different types of correlation.
Can you give examples of different types of correlation and what they tell us?
Able to interpret a line of best fit and recognise the different types of correlation.
Can you give examples of different types of correlation and what they tell us?
Activity 1
Plot each set of data using the Number app. Sketch the general shape the points form.
What affects Ice Cream Sales
Activity 2
Drawing and using the Line of Best Fit.
Lines of Best Fit
Activity 3
What can you find out about these cars.
Top Trumps - Scatter Graphs - Cars
Activity 4
Drawing your own Scatter Graph:
Taxi Drivers
Activity 5
Copy this into your planner for next lesson:
Level 5
To be able to demonstrate how to plot a scatter graph and explain what this can show us.
What do you need to remember when plotting coordinates?
Level 6
To be able to demonstrate when and how to draw a line of best fit on a scatter diagram.
Why is it not always appropriate to draw a line of best fit?
Level 7
Able to interpret a line of best fit and recognise the different types of correlation.
Can you give examples of different types of correlation and what they tell us?