28 March 2013

28 March, S2 - Tutor Time

End of Term celebration assemblies. 

Year 11
11.05 - Meet in tutor rooms - 

DoP please give instructions for any activities that need to be completed.

Registers to be completed before assembly please.

11.55 - escort students to lower playground for entry into Hall
12.00 - enter Hall
12.05 - Musical item (LN)
12.10 - An Easter message from LJ
12.15 - Musical item (LN)
12.18 - HoH / DoP - awards including colours, 100% attendance, achievement certificates.
12.28 - Musical item (LN)
12.32 - A summary of the term & targets for next term (SD)
12.42 - Musical item (LN)
12.45 - Dismissed from hall