14 January 2013

14 January, S2 - 10/M1*

Title: Trigonometry
Learning Objectives 
Grade B
To be able to explain which is the correct trigonometric rule to use and use it to calculate the lengths of sides & angles in right-angled triangles.
How do you know which of the three rules to use?
Grade A
To be able to use the sine and cosine rules to calculate missing angles or sides in non right-angles triangles
When is it possible to use either of these rules?
Grade A*
To be able to calculate the area of a triangle using the formula: Area = ½ ab sin C.
What information do we need to do this calculation?

Grade B

Grade A

Introduce the Sine Rule (noting it can be turned around).

Start by finding the length of a side.

On students are happy with this move on to examples of finding a missing angles.
Move on to the Cosine Rule (different ways around).

Move to a mix of questions

Further real life examples and proofs.

Area of any triangle

Grade A*

Introduce students to finding the area of triangles using the angle trigonometry formula.

Learning Objective for next lesson:

Grade A
To be able to demonstrate how to solve quadratic equations and plot their graphs using the method of Completing the Square.
What three pieces of information can we use to sketch the graph?