06 June 2014

6 June, S1 - Year 8A (Cover)*

Title: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplcation
Challenge Questions
Can you describe your method for adding, subtracting and multiplying larger numbers?
Learning Targets
To be able to explain how to add or subtract numbers with up to 4 digits.
To be able to explain how to multiply a 3 digit number by a 2 digit number without using a calculator.
To be able to calculate using division. 


Today we are going to remind ourself of the basic skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division without a calculator (you can use a calculator to check your answers). 

As always work through the questions at your own speed. 

Column Addition

Column Subtraction

Cross Word Puzzle from Ten Ticks 4, 1, page 23 (Worksheet 3)



There are many different methods for going multiplication. It does not matter which method you use, as long as you get the correct answer.

Watch the video on MB Numeracy if you are unsure how to multiply.