13 June 2014

13 June, S3 - Year 9B*

Title: Linear Graphs
Challenge Question
How can these methods help us in the real world?
Learning Targets
To be able to explain how to name horizontal (iey = 2) and vertical (iex = 4) graphs.
To be able to demonstrate how to construct a table of values from worded example and use these to draw a linear graph.
To be able to demonstrate how to construct a table of values from a linear equation and use these to draw a linear graph.



Start by drawing the following sets of coordinates onto a set of axis. Label each point with it’s coordinates and if possible join them with lines.

How can we name this lines?

Now compare the examples of two builders. Which is the best deal. Put together a table of values and then draw a graph.



We are now going to use equations to construct graphs (the first step is to construct a table of values).

Level 7
Now use WolframAlpha.com to plot the following equations – what do you notice – is there a quick way to plot these graphs?

Watch this video - y=mx+c

Now write six key points on Showbie (do not upload a file, write your key points in the comment section on Showbie)